
Collecting institutions are using ePADD for appraisal, processing, preservation, discovery, and delivery of their email collections. Below are some exciting community projects that incorporate ePADD. For more information about grant-funded ePADD code development projects, visit the History page

Have an email archiving project using ePADD that you want to share with the ePADD community? Email us at 

Providing Access to Large Literary Archives in a Digital Medium (Palladium)


The Providing Access to Large Literary Archives in a Digital Medium (Palladium) project developed end-to-end workflows and tools for the ingest of email archives at the University of Manchester. It produced guides for the management of email archives and for collection donors, data visualisations from and creative responses to the Carcanet email archive. The project included development of additional functionality for appraisal and management in ePADD, augmenting display, download and redaction tools. 


Funding for the Palladium project was provided by a grant from the Arts Council England Designation Development Fund.

Project Partners

Project Outputs

A guide on management and access for email archives, and guide for donors of email archives can be found on the Rylands Library blog.

Additional blog posts about all of the project outputs can be found here.

92nd St. Y Email Archiving Project


A current count puts the 92Y’s Poetry Center’s email archive at almost 3 million messages. A collaboration between the Poetry Center and the digital-archive team at Stanford University Libraries, this project will apply the ePADD to the assessment and preservation of the email archive with the goal of developing a processing and accessibility model that other cultural centers might learn from and adopt for their own internal and external purposes.


Funding for this project was provided by Email Archives: Building Capacity and Community (EA:BCC), administered by the University of Illinois. The EA:BCC program is a re-grant program from the Andrew W. Mellon foundation that seeks to build email archiving capacity in archives, libraries, and museums. 

Project Partners