Presentations and Publications
Presentations and Workshops
DeBauche, S., Patterson, P. (2022). Tutorial: Using ePADD for Email Preservation: Implementing the ePADD+ Project Enhancements, iPRES.
Abrams, S., Patterson, P. (2022). Using ePADD for Email Preservation, SAA.
Carlyle, P., Gifford, I. (2022). Using ePADD for Email Preservation, DCDC.
DeBauche, S. (2021). Designing and Launching a Multi-Institutional Email Metadata Discovery Platform, BitCurator Users Forum.
Carlyle, P. DeBauche, S., Patterson, P., Smith, J. (2021). ePADD+ Project Update, Information and Records Management Society.
DeBauche, S. (2021). Using ePADD in Email Archiving, SAA DAS
DeBauche, S., Schweikert, A. (2021) Processing and Providing Access to Email Collections with ePADD, SCA
DeBauche, S., Martinez R. L., Patterson, P., Prom, C. (2020) Thinking Outside the Inbox: New Developments in Email Archiving, NDSA Digital Preservation.
DeBauche, S., Patterson, P., Smith, J. (2020). Challenge Response: Uniting Email Archiving Projects to Suceed During the Pandemic, iPRES.
DeBauche, S. (2020). ePADD Project Update, CNI.
DeBauche, S. & Chan, P. (2019). ePADD for Email Archives (Workshop), Library of Congress, Washington, DC.
Chan, P. & Schneider, J. (2019). Using ePADD to Process & Provide Access to Email Archives (Workshop), Berkeley, CA.
Schneider, J. (2018). Appraising, Processing, and Providing Access to Email with ePADD. Memory Makers 2018 (Workshop), Amsterdam, NL.
Edwards, G. (2018). Future of Email Archives, ARMA-Greater Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA.
Edwards, G. (2018). Making email archives accessible with ePADD, ICA-SUV, Salamanca, Spain.
Edwards, G. (2018). ePADD demo, in Archiving email: strategies, tools, techniques (tutorial), iPRES 2018, Cambridge, MA.
Chan, P. & Schneider, J. (2018). Discovering and Accessing Email with ePADD. Digital Research Infrasturcture for the Arts and Humanities (Workshop), Stanford, CA.
Chan, P. (2018). ePADD: Computational Analysis Software Enabling Screening, Browsing, and Access for Email Collections, IFLA, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Schneider, J. (2018). Appraising and Processing Email with ePADD, SAA Research Forum, Washington, D.C.
Edwards, G. (2018). Preserving & Using Email of Historical or Cultural Value with ePADD, CNI Spring 2018, San Diego, CA.
Chan, P. & Schneider, J. (2018). Using ePADD to Process & Provide Access to Email Archives (Workshop), Los Angeles, CA.
Chan, P. (2018). Potential Future Directions for ePADD. After the Digital Revolution, London, UK.
Schneider, J. (2018). Discovering and Accessing Email of Potential Historical Value with ePADD. After the Digital Revolution, London, UK.
Chan, P. & Schneider, J. (2017). Using ePADD to Process & Provide Access to Email Archives (Workshop), Cambridge, MA.
Schneider, J., Chan, P., Edwards, G. & Hangal, S. (2017). ePADD: Computational Analysis Software Enabling Screening, Browsing, and Access for Email Collections. iPRES2017, Kyoto, Japan.
Schneider, J. (2017). A Demonstration of ePADD: Computational Analysis Software Facilitating Screening, Browsing, and Access for Historically and Culturally Valuable Email Collections. iPRES2017, Kyoto, Japan.
Schneider, J. (2017). Using ePADD to Appraise, Process, and Provide Access to Historically and Culturally Valuable Email Collections (Tutorial). iPRES2017, Kyoto, Japan.
Schneider, J. (2017). Strategies for Engaging the ePADD User Community. SAA Annual Meeting, Portland, OR.
Schneider, J., Chan, P., Edwards, G. & Hangal, S. (2017). Computational analysis, browsing, screening, and access for email (Poster), Personal Digital Archiving 2017, Stanford, CA.
Chan, P. (2017). ePADD: Overview and live demonstration, Personal Digital Archiving 2017, Stanford CA.
Chan, P. & Schneider, J. (2017). Using ePADD to Appraise Personal Email Archives (Workshop), Personal Digital Archiving 2017, Stanford CA.
Edwards, G., Chan. P., & Schneider, J. (2017). ePADD. Digital Curation Interest Group, Association of College and Research Libraries.
Schneider, J. (2017). ePADD: Opening the world of email research through NLP. nlp4arc, Chapel Hill, NC.
Edwards, G. & Schneider, J. (2016). ePADD demonstration. Cooperative Meeting, Social Networks and Archival Context, Washington, D.C.
Chan, P., & Schneider, J. (2016). Using ePADD to Process & Provide Access to Email Archives (Workshop), San Francisco, CA.
Chan, P., & Schneider, J. (2016). Using ePADD to Process & Provide Access to Email Archives (Workshop), New York, NY.
Edwards, G., & Schneider, J. (2016). ePADD Fact Sheet. Computation + Journalism Symposium, Palo Alto, CA.
Schneider, J. (2016). ePADD Overview and Project Update. SAA Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA.
Chan, P., & Schneider, J. (2016) RMRT Hangout: ePADD for Archives. SAA Records Management Roundtable.
Schneider, J., Tasker, K., Channing, F. & Jackson, L.U. (2016). Using ePADD to Process & Provide Access to Email Archives: Three Case Studies. SCA Annual General Meeting, Santa Rosa, CA.
Chan, P. & Schneider, J. (2016). Using ePADD to Process & Provide Access to Email Archives (Workshop). SCA Annual General Meeting, Santa Rosa, CA.
Chan, P. (2016). Named Entity Recognition and ePADD. LDCX 2016, Stanford, CA.
Smith, K. (2016). Email archiving with ePADD. Bibliothekskongress Leipzig 2016, Leipzig, Germany.
Edwards, G. (2016). Archival Stewardship of Email using ePADD. Harvard EAST Workshop, Cambridge, MA.
Chan, P. & Schneider J. (2016). ePADD project overview and demonstration. UC Born Digital Content Common Knowledge Group.
Schneider, J. (2016). Using ePADD to process and provide access to email archives. CurateGear, Chapel Hill, NC.
Chan, P. (2015). Use Natural Language Processing to Appraise, Process, Discover and Deliver Email. Coalition for Networked Information Membership Meeting, Washington, D.C.
Edwards, G., Schneider, J., Chan, P. & Piratla, V. (2015). ePADD: Live demonstration. Digital Archivists News Group (DANG!), Berkeley, CA.
Chan, P., & Schneider, J. (2015). Using ePADD to process and provide access to email archives. Western New York Library Resources Council.
Edwards, G., & Schneider, J. (2015). ePADD: an open-source platform supporting the appraisal, processing, discovery, and delivery of email archives. Amigos Library Services, Conference on Open Source Software and Tools for the Library and Archive.
Edwards, G. (2015). Archival Stewardship of Email using ePADD Software. SAA Annual Meeting, Cleveland, OH.
Schneider, J. (2015). ePADD and Records Management. Records Management Roundtable, SAA Annual Meeting, Cleveland, OH.
Schneider, J. (2015). Out of the frying pan and into the reading room: Approaches to serving electronic records. SAA Annual Meeting, Cleveland, OH.
Edwards, G., & Schneider, J. (2015). ePADD: Live demonstration (pop-up session). SAA Annual Meeting, Cleveland, OH.
Chan, P., & Hangal, S. (2015). ePADD: A Tool for Historical Research Using Email Archives. Stanford HCI Group Lunch, Stanford, CA.
Edwards, G., & Chan, P. (2015). Automated email processing using ePADD. ALA RBMS Preconference, Oakland, CA. (Intro PPT) (PPT)
Edwards, G., Chan, P., & Schneider, J. (2015). ePADD. Archiving Email Symposium sponsored by Library of Congress and the National Archives and Records Administration, Washington, D.C.
Chan, P. (2015). Email – process, appraise, discover, deliver. CurateCamp on Born-digital Workflow, New York, NY.
Edwards, G., & Schneider, J. (2014). ePADD: Live demonstration of appraisal and processing modules. Email Interest Group, National Digital Stewardship Alliance.
Schneider, J. (2014). ePADD: project overview and recent developments. Manuscript Repositories Section, SAA Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C.
Schneider, J. (2014). Overview of the ePADD appraisal module. Acquisitions and Appraisal Section, SAA Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C.
Edwards, G., & Chan, P. (2014). ePADD: Assessing tools and best practices for email preservation and access in art museums. Museum and the Web Deep Dive, Baltimore, MD.
Chan, P. (2014). ePADD. Personal Digital Archiving Conference, Indianapolis, IN.
Hangal, S. (2013). Providing access to email archives for historical research. Personal Digital Archiving Conference, College Park, MD.
Hangal, S. (2012). Muse: A tool to mine and visualize large email archives. Investigative Reporters and Editors Conference, Boston, MA.
Edwards, G. (2012). The enigma of email archives: How to process & provide discovery environments. ALA RBMS Preconference, San Diego, CA.
Chan, P. (2012). Processing and delivering email archives in special collections using MUSE. Personal Digital Archiving Conference, San Francisco, CA.
Hangal, S. (2012). Putting personal archives to work: reminiscence, search and browsing. Personal Digital Archiving Conference, San Francisco, CA.
Schneider, J., Adams, C., DeBauche, S., Echols, R., McKean, C., Moran, J., & Waugh, D. (2019) Appraising, processing, and providing access to email in contemporary literary archives, Archives and Manuscripts, 47:3, 305-326, DOI:
Schneider, J., Chan, P., Edwards, G., & Hangal, S. (2017). ePADD: Computational Analysis Software Facilitating Screening, Browsing, and Access for Historically and Culturally Valuable Email Collections. D-Lib Magazine (23:5/6). Retrieved from
Schneider, J., & Chan, P. (2016). Let the Entities Describe Themselves. Retrieved from
Schneider, J. (2016). Viewing Email through a New Lens: Screening, Managing, and Providing Access to Historical Email using ePADD. Retrieved from
Schneider, J. (2016). ePADD: Supporting Archival Appraisal, Processing, and Research for E-mail Collections. Midwest Archives Conference Newsletter 43:3 (170).
Schneider, J. (2015). ePADD: A New Platform for Conducting DH Research on Email Correspondence. Retrieved from
Hangal, S., et al. (2015). Historical research using email archives. ACM CHI-2015: Case Studies: Computer Human Interaction, Seoul, South Korea. (PDF)
Hangal, S., et al. (2014). Historical research using email archives in special collections. Proceedings of ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, Toronto, Canada.
Chan, P., et al. (2013). New horizons in personal archiving: 1 second everyday, myKive and MUSE. In Personal Archiving: Preserving Our Digital Heritage, Donald T. Hawkins (ed.), Medford, NJ: Information Today, Inc.
Hangal, S., et al. (2012). Processing email archives in special collections. Digital Humanities Conference, Hamburg, Germany. (PDF)
Hangal, S. (2012). Reshaping reminiscence, web browsing and web search using personal digital archives. (PDF)
Hangal, S., et al. (2011). Muse: Reviving memories using email archives. ACM UIST-2011: Proceedings of the 24th Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology, Santa Barbara, CA. (PDF)