Presentations and Publications

Presentations and Workshops

  • DeBauche, S., Patterson, P. (2022). Tutorial: Using ePADD for Email Preservation: Implementing the ePADD+ Project Enhancements, iPRES.

  • Abrams, S., Patterson, P. (2022). Using ePADD for Email Preservation, SAA.

  • Carlyle, P., Gifford, I. (2022). Using ePADD for Email Preservation, DCDC.

  • DeBauche, S. (2021). Designing and Launching a Multi-Institutional Email Metadata Discovery Platform, BitCurator Users Forum.

  • Carlyle, P. DeBauche, S., Patterson, P., Smith, J. (2021). ePADD+ Project Update, Information and Records Management Society.

  • DeBauche, S. (2021). Using ePADD in Email Archiving, SAA DAS

  • DeBauche, S., Schweikert, A. (2021) Processing and Providing Access to Email Collections with ePADD, SCA

  • DeBauche, S., Martinez R. L., Patterson, P., Prom, C. (2020) Thinking Outside the Inbox: New Developments in Email Archiving, NDSA Digital Preservation.

  • DeBauche, S., Patterson, P., Smith, J. (2020). Challenge Response: Uniting Email Archiving Projects to Suceed During the Pandemic, iPRES.

  • DeBauche, S. (2020). ePADD Project Update, CNI.

  • DeBauche, S. & Chan, P. (2019). ePADD for Email Archives (Workshop), Library of Congress, Washington, DC.

  • Chan, P. & Schneider, J. (2019). Using ePADD to Process & Provide Access to Email Archives (Workshop), Berkeley, CA.

  • Schneider, J. (2018). Appraising, Processing, and Providing Access to Email with ePADD. Memory Makers 2018 (Workshop), Amsterdam, NL.

  • Edwards, G. (2018). Future of Email Archives, ARMA-Greater Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA.

  • Edwards, G. (2018). Making email archives accessible with ePADD, ICA-SUV, Salamanca, Spain.

  • Edwards, G. (2018). ePADD demo, in Archiving email: strategies, tools, techniques (tutorial), iPRES 2018, Cambridge, MA.

  • Chan, P. & Schneider, J. (2018). Discovering and Accessing Email with ePADD. Digital Research Infrasturcture for the Arts and Humanities (Workshop), Stanford, CA.

  • Chan, P. (2018). ePADD: Computational Analysis Software Enabling Screening, Browsing, and Access for Email Collections, IFLA, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

  • Schneider, J. (2018). Appraising and Processing Email with ePADD, SAA Research Forum, Washington, D.C.

  • Edwards, G. (2018). Preserving & Using Email of Historical or Cultural Value with ePADD, CNI Spring 2018, San Diego, CA.

  • Chan, P. & Schneider, J. (2018). Using ePADD to Process & Provide Access to Email Archives (Workshop), Los Angeles, CA.

  • Chan, P. (2018). Potential Future Directions for ePADD. After the Digital Revolution, London, UK.

  • Schneider, J. (2018). Discovering and Accessing Email of Potential Historical Value with ePADD. After the Digital Revolution, London, UK.

  • Chan, P. & Schneider, J. (2017). Using ePADD to Process & Provide Access to Email Archives (Workshop), Cambridge, MA.

  • Schneider, J., Chan, P., Edwards, G. & Hangal, S. (2017). ePADD: Computational Analysis Software Enabling Screening, Browsing, and Access for Email Collections. iPRES2017, Kyoto, Japan.

  • Schneider, J. (2017). A Demonstration of ePADD: Computational Analysis Software Facilitating Screening, Browsing, and Access for Historically and Culturally Valuable Email Collections. iPRES2017, Kyoto, Japan.

  • Schneider, J. (2017). Using ePADD to Appraise, Process, and Provide Access to Historically and Culturally Valuable Email Collections (Tutorial). iPRES2017, Kyoto, Japan.

  • Schneider, J. (2017). Strategies for Engaging the ePADD User Community. SAA Annual Meeting, Portland, OR.

  • Schneider, J., Chan, P., Edwards, G. & Hangal, S. (2017). Computational analysis, browsing, screening, and access for email (Poster), Personal Digital Archiving 2017, Stanford, CA.

  • Chan, P. (2017). ePADD: Overview and live demonstration, Personal Digital Archiving 2017, Stanford CA.

  • Chan, P. & Schneider, J. (2017). Using ePADD to Appraise Personal Email Archives (Workshop), Personal Digital Archiving 2017, Stanford CA.

  • Edwards, G., Chan. P., & Schneider, J. (2017). ePADD. Digital Curation Interest Group, Association of College and Research Libraries.

  • Schneider, J. (2017). ePADD: Opening the world of email research through NLP. nlp4arc, Chapel Hill, NC.

  • Edwards, G. & Schneider, J. (2016). ePADD demonstration. Cooperative Meeting, Social Networks and Archival Context, Washington, D.C.

  • Chan, P., & Schneider, J. (2016). Using ePADD to Process & Provide Access to Email Archives (Workshop), San Francisco, CA.

  • Chan, P., & Schneider, J. (2016). Using ePADD to Process & Provide Access to Email Archives (Workshop), New York, NY.

  • Edwards, G., & Schneider, J. (2016). ePADD Fact Sheet. Computation + Journalism Symposium, Palo Alto, CA.

  • Schneider, J. (2016). ePADD Overview and Project Update. SAA Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA.

  • Chan, P., & Schneider, J. (2016) RMRT Hangout: ePADD for Archives. SAA Records Management Roundtable.

  • Schneider, J., Tasker, K., Channing, F. & Jackson, L.U. (2016). Using ePADD to Process & Provide Access to Email Archives: Three Case Studies. SCA Annual General Meeting, Santa Rosa, CA.

  • Chan, P. & Schneider, J. (2016). Using ePADD to Process & Provide Access to Email Archives (Workshop). SCA Annual General Meeting, Santa Rosa, CA.

  • Chan, P. (2016). Named Entity Recognition and ePADD. LDCX 2016, Stanford, CA.

  • Smith, K. (2016). Email archiving with ePADD. Bibliothekskongress Leipzig 2016, Leipzig, Germany.

  • Edwards, G. (2016). Archival Stewardship of Email using ePADD. Harvard EAST Workshop, Cambridge, MA.

  • Chan, P. & Schneider J. (2016). ePADD project overview and demonstration. UC Born Digital Content Common Knowledge Group.

  • Schneider, J. (2016). Using ePADD to process and provide access to email archives. CurateGear, Chapel Hill, NC.

  • Chan, P. (2015). Use Natural Language Processing to Appraise, Process, Discover and Deliver Email. Coalition for Networked Information Membership Meeting, Washington, D.C.

  • Edwards, G., Schneider, J., Chan, P. & Piratla, V. (2015). ePADD: Live demonstration. Digital Archivists News Group (DANG!), Berkeley, CA.

  • Chan, P., & Schneider, J. (2015). Using ePADD to process and provide access to email archives. Western New York Library Resources Council.

  • Edwards, G., & Schneider, J. (2015). ePADD: an open-source platform supporting the appraisal, processing, discovery, and delivery of email archives. Amigos Library Services, Conference on Open Source Software and Tools for the Library and Archive.

  • Edwards, G. (2015). Archival Stewardship of Email using ePADD Software. SAA Annual Meeting, Cleveland, OH.

  • Schneider, J. (2015). ePADD and Records Management. Records Management Roundtable, SAA Annual Meeting, Cleveland, OH.

  • Schneider, J. (2015). Out of the frying pan and into the reading room: Approaches to serving electronic records. SAA Annual Meeting, Cleveland, OH.

  • Edwards, G., & Schneider, J. (2015). ePADD: Live demonstration (pop-up session). SAA Annual Meeting, Cleveland, OH.

  • Chan, P., & Hangal, S. (2015). ePADD: A Tool for Historical Research Using Email Archives. Stanford HCI Group Lunch, Stanford, CA.

  • Edwards, G., & Chan, P. (2015). Automated email processing using ePADD. ALA RBMS Preconference, Oakland, CA. (Intro PPT) (PPT)

  • Edwards, G., Chan, P., & Schneider, J. (2015). ePADD. Archiving Email Symposium sponsored by Library of Congress and the National Archives and Records Administration, Washington, D.C.

  • Chan, P. (2015). Email – process, appraise, discover, deliver. CurateCamp on Born-digital Workflow, New York, NY.

  • Edwards, G., & Schneider, J. (2014). ePADD: Live demonstration of appraisal and processing modules. Email Interest Group, National Digital Stewardship Alliance.

  • Schneider, J. (2014). ePADD: project overview and recent developments. Manuscript Repositories Section, SAA Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C.

  • Schneider, J. (2014). Overview of the ePADD appraisal module. Acquisitions and Appraisal Section, SAA Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C.

  • Edwards, G., & Chan, P. (2014). ePADD: Assessing tools and best practices for email preservation and access in art museums. Museum and the Web Deep Dive, Baltimore, MD.

  • Chan, P. (2014). ePADD. Personal Digital Archiving Conference, Indianapolis, IN.

  • Hangal, S. (2013). Providing access to email archives for historical research. Personal Digital Archiving Conference, College Park, MD.

  • Hangal, S. (2012). Muse: A tool to mine and visualize large email archives. Investigative Reporters and Editors Conference, Boston, MA.

  • Edwards, G. (2012). The enigma of email archives: How to process & provide discovery environments. ALA RBMS Preconference, San Diego, CA.

  • Chan, P. (2012). Processing and delivering email archives in special collections using MUSE. Personal Digital Archiving Conference, San Francisco, CA.

  • Hangal, S. (2012). Putting personal archives to work: reminiscence, search and browsing. Personal Digital Archiving Conference, San Francisco, CA.


  • Schneider, J., Adams, C., DeBauche, S., Echols, R., McKean, C., Moran, J., & Waugh, D. (2019) Appraising, processing, and providing access to email in contemporary literary archives, Archives and Manuscripts, 47:3, 305-326, DOI:

  • Schneider, J., Chan, P., Edwards, G., & Hangal, S. (2017). ePADD: Computational Analysis Software Facilitating Screening, Browsing, and Access for Historically and Culturally Valuable Email Collections. D-Lib Magazine (23:5/6). Retrieved from

  • Schneider, J., & Chan, P. (2016). Let the Entities Describe Themselves. Retrieved from

  • Schneider, J. (2016). Viewing Email through a New Lens: Screening, Managing, and Providing Access to Historical Email using ePADD. Retrieved from

  • Schneider, J. (2016). ePADD: Supporting Archival Appraisal, Processing, and Research for E-mail Collections. Midwest Archives Conference Newsletter 43:3 (170).

  • Schneider, J. (2015). ePADD: A New Platform for Conducting DH Research on Email Correspondence. Retrieved from

  • Hangal, S., et al. (2015). Historical research using email archives. ACM CHI-2015: Case Studies: Computer Human Interaction, Seoul, South Korea. (PDF)

  • Hangal, S., et al. (2014). Historical research using email archives in special collections. Proceedings of ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, Toronto, Canada.

  • Chan, P., et al. (2013). New horizons in personal archiving: 1 second everyday, myKive and MUSE. In Personal Archiving: Preserving Our Digital Heritage, Donald T. Hawkins (ed.), Medford, NJ: Information Today, Inc.

  • Hangal, S., et al. (2012). Processing email archives in special collections. Digital Humanities Conference, Hamburg, Germany. (PDF)

  • Hangal, S. (2012). Reshaping reminiscence, web browsing and web search using personal digital archives. (PDF)

  • Hangal, S., et al. (2011). Muse: Reviving memories using email archives. ACM UIST-2011: Proceedings of the 24th Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology, Santa Barbara, CA. (PDF)